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Category Archives: Music Selections
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Patrick Catholic Church Urbana, IL 10:30 AM Holy Cross Catholic Church Champaign, IL 4:00 PM Introit In medio ecclesiae Gradual Iustus ut palma Alleluia Inveni David Offertory Iustus ut palma Communion Fidelis servus Only at Holy Cross: Kyrie Kyrie … Continue reading
Posted in Music Selections
Tagged holy cross, st patrick
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Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Matthew Catholic Church Champaign, IL 7:00 PM Kyrie Kyrie XVI Offertory Ave maris stella Sanctus Sanctus XVIII Agnus Dei Agnus Dei XVIII Communion Magnificat with antiphon Assumpta est Maria Recessional Salve Regina
Dedication of the New Perpetual Adoration Chapel
St. Matthew Catholic Church Champaign, IL 11:00 AM Opening O salutaris hostia Procession Sing, my tongue Blessing of the New Chapel Adoro te devote Benediction Tantum ergo Recessional Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
Posted in Music Selections
Tagged st matthew
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Holy Cross Catholic Church Champaign, IL 4:00 PM Introit Spiritus Domini Kyrie Kyrie XVI Gloria Gloria XV Sequence Veni, sancte Spiritus Alleluia Easter Vigil Mode 6 Offertory Alleluia…Veni, sancte Spiritus Sanctus Sanctus XVIII Agnus Dei Agnus Dei XVIII Communion Factus … Continue reading
Monday in the Octave of Easter
St. Matthew Catholic Church Champaign, IL 5:30 PM Introit Resurrexi Kyrie Kyrie XVI Sequence Victimae paschali laudes Alleluia Easter Vigil Mode 6 Offertory Haec dies Sanctus Sanctus XVIII Agnus Dei Agnus Dei XVIII Communion O filii et filiae Recessional Regina … Continue reading
Solemnity of St. Joseph
St. Matthew Catholic Church Champaign, IL 5:30 PM Introit Iustus ut palma Kyrie Kyrie XVI Offertory Veritas mea Sanctus Sanctus XVIII Agnus Dei Agnus Dei XVIII Communion Ioseph fili David Recessional Ave Regina caelorum
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
St. Matthew Catholic Church Champaign, IL 5:30 PM Offertory Nunc dimittis Communion Responsum accepit Simeon Recessional Alma redemptoris Mater