Monthly Archives: September 2010

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Matthew Catholic Church Champaign, IL 11:30 AM View the worship aid for this appearance Introit Qui habitas in caelis (Graduale Simplex) Kyrie Kyrie XVI Gloria Gloria VIII Alleluia Easter Vigil Mode 6 Offertory Iesu dulcis memoria Sanctus Sanctus XVIII … Continue reading

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Textual Reflections on Ubi caritas

When the fit strikes me, I can ramble interminably about music, liturgy, and the unique intersection of the two found in Gregorian chant. As we travel the liturgical kathemerinon we inevitably pass certain chants that have a high probability of triggering one of my rambles, and thus it was that my choir got to hear an extended spiel on the text of the Holy Thursday chant Ubi caritas. I was sufficiently pleased by the result to refine it into the following short essay. Continue reading

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