Wedding of Alicia Zeilenga and Nicholas Haggin

Holy Cross Catholic Church
Champaign, IL
2:00 PM

Prelude Instrumental
Introit Deus in loco sancto suo
Kyrie A Community Mass
Gradual Uxor tua
Alleluia Easter Vigil Mode 6
Offertory In te speravi
Sanctus A Community Mass
Memorial Acclamation A Community Mass
Great Amen A Community Mass
Agnus Dei A Community Mass
Communion Primum quaerite regnum Dei
Communion Meditation Christians, Let Us Love One Another
Presentation to Our Lady Alma redemptoris Mater (Palestrina)
Recessional In dir ist Freude (Bach)

The Sts. Gregory and Romanos Guild
The St. Thomas Parish Choir, Philo, IL
Heath Morber, guest conductor
Sherry Seckler, organist

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