Holy Cross Catholic Church
Champaign, IL
2:00 PM
Prelude | Instrumental |
Introit | Deus in loco sancto suo |
Kyrie | A Community Mass |
Gradual | Uxor tua |
Alleluia | Easter Vigil Mode 6 |
Offertory | In te speravi |
Sanctus | A Community Mass |
Memorial Acclamation | A Community Mass |
Great Amen | A Community Mass |
Agnus Dei | A Community Mass |
Communion | Primum quaerite regnum Dei |
Communion Meditation | Christians, Let Us Love One Another |
Presentation to Our Lady | Alma redemptoris Mater (Palestrina) |
Recessional | In dir ist Freude (Bach) |
The Sts. Gregory and Romanos Guild
The St. Thomas Parish Choir, Philo, IL
Heath Morber, guest conductor
Sherry Seckler, organist